Regular Expression

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's 5 kennels, while 7 birds fly by overhead. Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz! Mr. Jock, the TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx. Amazingly, only 2 discotheques provide jukeboxes. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. Crazy Fredrick bought many very exquisite opal jewels. In the world of symbols, @#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:'",./<>`~| play significant roles.



RegExp Tester: Test RegExp Online Tool

Welcome to RegExp Tester, your ultimate online tool for testing and debugging Regular Expressions (RegEx). Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with RegEx, our platform offers powerful features to streamline your workflow and ensure accurate pattern matching.

Why Choose RegExp Tester?

  1. User-Friendly Interface
  • Intuitive Design: Our interface is designed for simplicity and functionality, making it easy to write, edit, and test your Regular Expressions.
  • Real-Time Results: Instantly see matches, groups, and replacements as you type, ensuring rapid debugging and refinement.
  1. Advanced Features
  • Multiple Engines: Test your RegEx patterns across different RegEx engines including JavaScript, Python, PHP, and more, ensuring compatibility with your target environment.
  • Flags Support: Easily toggle flags like global, case-insensitive, and multiline to fine-tune your expressions.
  • Highlighting: Visualize matches within your test strings, aiding in understanding and debugging complex patterns.
  1. Built-in Libraries and Snippets
  • Library Integration: Access a library of commonly used Regular Expressions for email validation, URL matching, phone numbers, and more.
  • Custom Snippets: Save and reuse your frequently used patterns and expressions for efficiency and consistency.
  1. Collaboration and Sharing
  • Shareable URLs: Share your RegEx tests with colleagues or clients via unique URLs, facilitating collaboration and feedback.
  • Export Results: Export your test results in various formats (JSON, CSV) for documentation or further analysis.
  1. Performance and Reliability
  • Cloud-Based: Enjoy the reliability and scalability of a cloud-based platform, ensuring optimal performance even under heavy usage.
  • Regular Updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest features and improvements as we continuously enhance our platform based on user feedback.

How to Use RegExp Tester?

  1. Write Your RegEx: Start by writing or pasting your Regular Expression into the input field.
  2. Input Test Strings: Enter test strings that you want to match against your Regular Expression.
  3. Review Results: Immediately view matched text, groups, and replacements highlighted within your test strings.
  4. Refine and Debug: Adjust your RegEx pattern and flags as needed based on real-time feedback.

Tips for Effective RegExp Testing

  • Start Simple: Begin with basic patterns and gradually add complexity.
  • Use Anchors: Utilize ^ and $ to ensure exact matches from start to end.
  • Test Edge Cases: Consider various scenarios including empty strings and special characters.
  • Utilize Flags: Experiment with case-insensitive (/i), global (/g), and multiline (/m) flags for comprehensive testing.

RegExp Tester Supported RegExp Flags

Explore the versatility and power of RegExp Tester through its comprehensive support for a wide array of RegExp flags, each tailored to enhance your pattern matching capabilities in different programming environments.

RegExp Tester case Flag: i

This flag makes the pattern matching case insensitive, meaning it ignores differences between uppercase and lowercase letters.

Example: /hello/i matches "hello", "Hello", "HELLO", etc.

RegExp Tester global Flag: g

This flag allows the pattern to match all occurrences in the input string, not just the first one.

Example: /o/g in the string "Hello" matches both "o" characters.

RegExp Tester multiline Flag: m

This flag enables the caret ^ and dollar sign $ to match the start and end of each line within a multiline string, rather than just the start and end of the whole string.

Example: /^start/m matches "start" at the beginning of any line in a multiline string.

RegExp Tester dotAll Flag: s

This flag makes the dot . in the pattern match all characters, including newline characters (\n), which it does not normally match.

Example: / matches "foo\nbar" as a single string.

RegExp Tester unicode Flag: u

This flag enables full Unicode support for the pattern, including proper handling of characters outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP).

Example: /^\p{Sc}/u matches any currency symbol at the start of the string in a Unicode-aware manner.

RegExp Tester sticky Flag: y

This flag restricts matches to those occurring at the current position in the text, as specified by the lastIndex property of the RegExp object.

Example: /foo/y matches "foo" only if it is directly after the previous match in the string.

RegExp Tester ungreedy Flag: d

This flag makes quantifiers (*, +, ?, {}) behave in a non-greedy manner, matching as few characters as possible.

Example: /a.*?b/ matches the shortest substring between "a" and "b".

RegExp Tester extended Flag: x

This flag allows the pattern to contain whitespace and comments, making it easier to write and understand complex regular expressions.

Example: / foo # Match 'foo' followed by a space /x matches "foo" followed by a space.