Wiktor Plaga

About SafeUtils

Learn who's and why's of the SafeUtils project.

Why SafeUtils?

I built and now happily maintain the SafeUtils app for two reasons:

1. It felt like I'm about to go to jail every time I pasted my data on the Internet.
2. It was WAY too many bookmarks, and they didn't even cover half of my needs.

I decided to equip other developers with a missing solution to their everyday operations.

Who are you?

Hey, it's Wiktor πŸ‘‹ - a software engineer in love with, well, software engineering.

On top of my day-job, I build and maintain side projects, such as this one, in public.

Being one of it's power-users, I enjoy the SafeUtils project in particular - it is nice to build stuff that you actually use.

Find me on 𝕏 / Twitter.